Green and blue, with some hint of fuchsia and yellow. These are the dominant colours of a walk on the gentle hills behind Laigueglia. Green, in all its shades and hues, is given by vegetation: maritime pines, oaks, fruit trees and many, many olive trees. Protagonists are also the aromatic herbs, which along with the rest of the vegetation give off their unmistakable scent of Mediterranean maquis: thyme, oregano, wild fennel. And what about the colours of flowers, that arise spontaneously among rocks, grass and bushes: yellow, pink, red, purple. The dominating element has always been the blue sea, which gives way to a more intense blue as your gaze goes toward the horizon. To enjoy this triumph of nature and colours, starting from Laigueglia, you must take Via Colla Micheri. Once arrived at Mulini, you shall continue along Via San Bernardo and you arrive to the football field. A little bit of rise, a final effort to get on the ridge of the hill, from which you can enjoy a breath-taking view. The promontory of Capo Mele, which reaching out into the sea separates Laigueglia from Andora, stands straight ahead. The Laigueglia bay appears in all its beauty and its privileged location: nestled at the foot of the hills that huddle it in a tender hug, protecting it from the wind, while the waves caress its coast … After this fabulous view, we return to the village, passing through Ciappai, among olive groves and plantations of evergreens, yellow flowers that in a month will bloom showing all their beauty. Our walk is over, but our hearts and our eyes are still full of emotion.